Unicorn gay pride symbol

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Gay pride or LGBTQ pride is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity, equality rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance. Inspired by Judy Garland’s “Over the rainbow”, Baker designed the first rainbow pride flag, which included 8 colours. Supporting the LGBTQ Community with Pride Stickers. 925 Sterling Silver 20' Necklace UNICORN. the Stonewall riots began in 1969 when patrons of the bar fought back against a discriminatory police raid. The Stonewall Inn was a gay bar in Greenwich Village, New York. Pride, as we know it today, began with Stonewall. Harvey Milk, then city supervisor of San Francisco, challenged Gilbert Baker to create a new flag for the gay community. COLORFUL CAT RAINBOW pride lgbt gay pendant 20' Sterling Silver 925 necklace. When talking about Pride many people think of parades and celebration, however the origins of pride are actually very different. However, by the 1970s (30 years after the war ended), many felt that the pink triangle reminded them of a dark age, and wanted something that could represent the dawn of a new age. Gilbert Baker designed the OG rainbow pride flag in 1978.īefore that, the pink triangle was used as a symbol for the gay community, due to its use by the Nazis during WWII to identify and stigmatise gay people. Original Gilbert Baker rainbow pride flag (8 colours)

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