Latin gay movies online

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Victoras (Vasilis Magouliotis), a Greek ex-diving champion, meets Mathias (Anton Weil), a German student, on a ferry. “The Man with the Answers,” available January 11, is writer/director Stelios Kammitsis’ sweet and gentle road movie. The characters, all of whom long for affection, may misinterpret things, but viewers will be satisfied each episode provides information that allows viewers to understand the characters’ behavior more clearly as the disparate storylines lock into place. Marion also figures in a storyline involving Michel (Denis Ménochet), who is chatting online with a woman named Amandine - who “looks” like Marion - but is, in fact, Armand (Guy Roger “Bibisse” N’Drin), a young man in Abidjan. The narrative spine of the film involves Marion (Nadia Tereszkiewicz), Evelyne’s younger lover, who tracks Evelyne down after a tryst, hoping to prolong their relationship. Director Dominik Moll, who adapted Colin Niel’s novel, recounts what happened through various strangers’ perspectives. New year! New movies! In January, a handful of relationship dramas - with the emphasis on drama - are available for streaming.Īvailable January 4, “Only the Animals” is a terrific puzzle of a film that revolves around the death of bisexual woman Evelyne Ducat (Valerie Bruni Tedeschi).

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